10 Tips To Prepare Yourself For A Healthy Pregnancy
Updated: Jan 11, 2024

Being pregnant is one of the most exciting phases of a woman's life. However, being cautious during this time is essential because you will be carrying a life inside you. So, you must do everything possible to keep yourself and your baby healthy during the pregnancy journey. pregnancy Tips from experts can help you navigate through this phase and to have a healthy pregnancy.
Additionally, considering options like stem cell banking can provide you with valuable resources for the future health and well-being of your child. Stem cell banking allows you to preserve your baby's cord blood and tissue stem cells, which can potentially be used in the future for various medical treatments and therapies. It's a proactive step towards securing your child's health beyond the pregnancy journey.
Tips for a Healthy and Safe Pregnancy Experience
The following pregnancy tips are crucial to help you for a healthy pregnancy journey:
Be prepared for your pregnancy because it will be a rollercoaster ride. If you are not prepared or ready to conceive, drop the thought. However, if you are ready, plan and start preparing to welcome a little one to your world.
Find a reliable and trustworthy prenatal care provider to help you with your pregnancy. The doctor will provide personalized care, like recommending medications, the necessary immunizations, and the precautions you can take to have a safe pregnancy.
A healthy pregnancy diet can provide you with several vitamins and minerals. You should also include more organic fruits and vegetables to reduce your exposure to toxins. You can consult your doctor and stick to the diet for nine months.
In addition to a varied pregnancy diet high in folate, pregnant women should consume 400 micrograms of folic acid daily from fortified foods or supplements.
Smoking, consuming alcohol, and using some drugs while pregnant can lead to preterm labour, congenital disabilities, and infant mortality.
Avoid toxic substances, harmful chemicals, and environmental contaminants around the house. They may make getting pregnant more challenging.
Start pregnancy yoga practice and light-weight exercises to help you maintain a healthy weight.
Compile your family history and talk to your doctor to look for any chances of genetic disease that might affect the baby.
Being happy is one of the most important things for the baby. Stress and anxiety can impact a baby's growth, and mood swings are common during pregnancy. So it is essential to keep yourself happy, and if something is bothering you, talk to one of the closest people and get your thoughts out.
Besides mental health, proper rest is essential as well for mothers-to-be. Lack of sleep can affect the release of hormones, impacting the baby's growth. Take 8-10 hours to avoid complications associated with inadequate sleep, like high caesarean rates and preterm labour.
Secure your baby's future with Cryoviva!
As a mother-to-be, you will do everything possible to protect your baby and foster a happy and safe environment. However, how will you protect your baby from life-threatening diseases when they grow up?
It's time to invest in stem cell banking if you consider safeguarding your child's health. Cord blood storage preserves your baby's umbilical cord blood cells, which can treat serious illnesses and diseases by developing into specific organ tissue cells and replacing dead cells. Cryoviva experts can help you in securing your baby's future! Visit our website today.