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Baby Development In the 6 Months

Writer's picture: Avantika SinghAvantika Singh

Updated: Jan 28

By the sixth month of your pregnancy, your baby can hear your voice, feel your heartbeat, and connect with your surroundings. Besides, you can also feel your baby’s movements, little kicks and hiccups. Let’s understand how the baby’s development progresses in the sixth month:

Baby Development in The Sixth Month (From Week 21 to Week 24)

During the 6th month, the baby's skin looks reddish in color and wrinkled, and even veins are visible through translucent skin. In this stage, the eyelids separate, and the mother might feel regular jerky movements. If you're interested in tracking your pregnancy milestones and want to know more about the development of your baby, consider using a pregnancy calculator. Besides, here's how the fetus's development progresses throughout the entire month:

Week 21

The fetus develops bone marrow that helps form blood cells, and the movements of the limbs become more coordinated and frequent.

Week 22

By this week, the baby's grasp becomes stronger, and can hold the umbilical cord and its own ears. Also, the baby can hear your heartbeat, breathing, and even stomach rumble.

Week 23

The baby rapidly adds fats to its body this week. The baby is born prematurely in some cases; however, the fetus in the 23rd week can survive with the help of intensive care.

Week 24

During the baby’s development stage, the baby's lungs are fully developed; however, they aren't capable enough to function completely outside the uterus.

Symptoms That May Appear During the Sixth Month

Although you may think that most symptoms occur in the first trimester of the baby's initial development phase, there are some common symptoms that you may still feel during this time:

  • Constipation occurs because the uterus is growing, putting pressure on the intestines and slowing down their activity.

  • Pain, especially in the back, hips, and pelvis (due to carrying the load and its distribution).

  • In particular, itching occurs as the skin stretches to accommodate the growth.

  • Dizziness occurs as circulation causes more blood to flow to the ovaries.

  • Your feet and ankles may swell or cramp because your veins have to work harder to carry all the extra blood around your body.

Stem Cell Banking - The Potential Cure to More Than 80 Diseases.

When you enter the sixth month of the pregnancy, the entire family begins the preparation to welcome the little bundle of joy. Besides all the mandatory things required during and after childbirth, you should consider investing in umbilical cord preservation, which assists in storing stem cells, potentially saving your baby's life from severe diseases. Cryoviva, India's leading stem cell banking provider, can help you secure the future. Connect with our experts to understand the intricate process of collecting, storing, and preserving cord blood stem cells.


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