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Writer's pictureAvantika Singh

Dealing with Common Pregnancy Pains (Backaches, Leg Cramps)

Dealing with Common Pregnancy Pains

Pregnancy is a stage where women, at some point, experience common pregnancy pains, such as leg cramps and back pain, along with nausea, exhaustion, and swollen feet. For instance, back pain during pregnancy usually affects the lower back. One analysis that examined the complaint found that over two-thirds of pregnant women have low back pain. Up to three out of ten pregnant women get leg cramps, which are sudden, painful tightness in the muscles.

Leg cramps in pregnancy and back pain are caused by a variety of causes, such as hormonal and postural changes. Pregnancy stage may have an impact on the causes, which vary for every woman. The methods for managing and avoiding these discomforts during pregnancy are covered in this article. Let’s look at how you can effectively deal with common pregnancy pains such as backache and leg cramps.

What is Backache?

Back pain is commonly experienced, particularly in the initial stages of pregnancy. According to estimates, back pain affects 50–70% of expectant mothers. Your body's ligaments naturally soften and stretch during pregnancy to get you prepared for delivery. Back pain may result from the strain that is placed on your pelvic and lower back joints.

Dealing with Backache

Pregnancy puts extra strain on your back and posture. To help prevent or alleviate backaches, follow the given pregnancy tips:

  • Maintain physical fitness.

  • Walk and stretch regularly. Avoid standing too long.

  • Wear low-heeled shoes. Sleep on your side, with a pillow in between your legs.

  • Sit on a chair that provides appropriate back support.

  • Bend your knees while picking up items. Do not bend from the waist.

  • Avoid lifting large items.

  • Avoid gaining excess weight. Apply heat or cold to the sore area on your back.

  • Have someone to massage and rub the aching area of your back.

  • Do the back exercises recommended by your clinician to relieve back stress.

  • Wear a maternity girdle.

What are Leg Cramps?

Leg cramps are unexpected and severe muscle contractions. They are most commonly felt in the calf muscles, but they can also occur in the thighs or foot. This happens when acid accumulates in your muscles. Cramps generally occur at night. They are more common during the second and third trimesters when calculated with the gestation calculator.

Dealing with Leg Cramps

Although there is no way to completely prevent cramps, there are a few actions you may take to help decrease cramping.

  • Stretch your calf muscles before going to bed.

  • Drink a lot of water.

  • Avoid stretching your leg and pointing your toes.

  • Take a warm bath or shower before going to bed.

  • Consume a balanced diet.

Some individuals prefer to take calcium and magnesium supplements to avoid or treat leg cramps. However, there is no conclusive evidence that these nutritional supplements work on pregnancy pains.

Ensure Good Health with Cryoviva Stem Cell Preservation

If you're expecting a child or are newly pregnant, the vast number of possible discomforts during pregnancy might be overwhelming. Without question, pregnancy is a time of significant changes that your body experiences. You should utilize this time to focus on your health.

You should also consider how stem cell preservation can help prevent future medical problems for your unborn child. Parents, immediate siblings, as well as maternal and paternal grandparents can all benefit from Cryoviva Stem Cell Preservation in addition to your child. Therefore, if you're expecting, don't pass up this once-in-a-lifetime chance to gain rewards from preserving your baby's umbilical cord stem cells at delivery. Additionally, we guarantee that this will be one of the choices you’ll always be proud of!

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