Is it Safe to Eat Kharbuja During Pregnancy?

When it comes to pregnancy tips for dieting, you will feel like the restrictions never end: no caffeine, seafood, deli meat, and more. Every soon-to-be-mom should be cautious about what goes into their body as it has a direct impact on the growth and development of the little one.
In today's topic, let’s talk about kharbuja- our favorite fruit of summer. Kharbuja, also known as Muskmelon or Cantaloupe Melon is a sweet, juicy fruit perfect to consume during pregnancy. It is high in antioxidants and other wholesome nutrients. Are you wondering whether you can consume kharbuja during pregnancy? Of course you can! Read on to know more!
Kharbuja Benefits for Pregnant Women
Let us explore the plethora of kharbuja benefits for the soon-to-be-mother and the baby.
Aids in cognitive development
Kharbuja is loaded with Vitamin A, which aids in the development of your baby’s cognitive abilities. It ensures the prevention of any birth or tube defects or disabilities. The vitamin plays a vital role in the kidney, heart, lung, and eye development of your little one.
Prevents Anemia
WHO reports that most pregnant women are anemic or have iron deficiency. Adding kharbuja during pregnancy will aid in the production of healthy hemoglobin content, which improves iron levels in women. It will ensure a healthy sound of red blood cells and include a fresh supply of oxygen for the baby.
Regulates Blood Pressure
Kharbuja is a powerhouse of potassium. This nutrient helps women retain their blood pressure levels during pregnancy. It is also low in calories and can be an excellent substitute snack for pregnant women.
Enhances Immunity
Carotenoids and other antioxidants in kharbuja prevent the free radicals from being produced in the body. It will help in generating new cells, protecting against harmful infections, and making the immune system stronger for both expectant mother and baby.
Side Effects of Kharbuja During Pregnancy
Despite the numerous benefits of kharbuja, consuming the fruit might induce certain side effects as follows
Kharbuja is rich in water and fiber. Excess consumption can sometimes cause diarrhea.
High intake of kharbuja during pregnancy might cause stomach problems and gas trouble.
Consuming kharbuja on an empty stomach in the early morning will cause bile-related problems.
Due to its medium glycemic index, excess consumption of the fruit might lead to gestational diabetes.
You can protect your baby’s health and ensure the healthy growth of your fetus by incorporating some dietary tips into your lifestyle. In addition to this, you may also download any pregnancy calculator app to check the growth of the baby on a weekly basis.
Wrapping up,
Including healthy fruits and vegetables in your pregnancy diet will ensure healthy fetus development. However, have you ever thought that the umbilical cord could become the reason to give your baby a new life in case of life-threatening diseases?
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