Baby Development in 2 Month
Updated: Jan 28

The developmental changes in a baby growing within a mother’s womb or uterus are often called fetus development. Although the gestation period is divided into three trimesters, each of three months, the fetal development is measured based on weeks mostly. The first trimester comprises twelve weeks; the second month starts from week 5 and lasts until week 8.
It is during the second month when women recognize they are pregnant as the pregnancy hormones escalate to their peak, and by the end of week four, the at-home pregnancy test confirms the pregnancy. Let's understand the intricate baby development process in the womb during the second month.
Baby Development In The Second Month (From Week 5 to Week 8)
Here is the progress of the baby's development stages throughout the second month of pregnancy:
Week 5
The baby's neural tube (brain, spinal cord, and other nervous tissue of the central nervous system) begins to form. Also, by the end of the fifth week, the tiny heart tube will beat 110 times a minute.
Week 6
Tiny buds start to develop that'll soon grow to become arms and legs. In this week, the blood cells take shape, circulation begins, and structures will become ears, mouth, and eyes start forming. Also, during the week, the doctor will suggest a vaginal ultrasound to detect a heartbeat.
If you're curious about the progress of your pregnancy, you can use a pregnancy calculator to estimate your due date. These calculators take into account the first day of your last menstrual period (LMP) and provide an approximation of when you might expect to welcome your little one.
Week 7
Bones begin to replace the soft tissues, and genitals start to form. Besides, during this week, the baby's head is in a larger proportion than the rest of its body, and due to this, the embryo resembles a small tadpole or a seahorse.
Week 8
marks the end of the second month when all the major organs and body systems begin to develop. The fetus develops web-like hands and feet, the ears and eyes become visible, and the umbilical cord fully develops. At the end of the eighth week, the embryo fully transforms into a fetus.
Stem Cell Banking - A Step Ahead for A Better Health
By the end of the second month of fetus development, the fetus is about the size of a black bean, around 0.5 to 1 inch long. However, the first three months of the gestation period are super critical because any disruptions can cause congenital anomalies, like neural tube defects, heart defects, limb abnormalities, genetic disorders, and ear and eye development issues.
That's why investing in your baby's future and protection from severe diseases is essential to have a backup in case unavoidable happens. Umbilical cord preservation offers a promising cure for around 80 severe and life-threatening diseases. Cryoviva can assist you in preserving your baby's future; visit our website to explore our cord blood stem cells solutions.