Baby Development In 3 Months
Updated: Jan 28

Pregnancy is a period that creates a massive amount of anticipation among the parents. Every step that a pregnant parent takes during gestation is a decision taken after a roller coaster ride of thoughts. The third month is the last month of the first trimester, a crucial phase in fetus development. The third month begins from week 9 and lasts till week 12, a rapid growth and development period. So, without further ado, let's understand what happens during the third month of pregnancy.
In addition to the physical changes, the third month is also a time when parents may consider important decisions for the future, such as stem cell banking for their baby future health. Stem cells, particularly those derived from umbilical cord blood and tissue, are valuable for medical purposes. Stem cell banking involves preserving these cells for potential future use in treating various diseases and conditions. It is a proactive step that parents can take to secure potential medical options for their child's health.
Baby Development During the Third Month (From Week 9 to Week 12)
The fetal development that happens during the third month of gestation
Week 9
During the beginning of the third month, one of the significant baby development stages is the formation of teeth and taste buds. The muscles start to form, and the fetus looks more like a human; however, the head is still 50% of its actual length.
Week 10
In this week, the fetus's webbed hands and feet fully develop into hands, arms, fingers, toes, and feet. The fingernails, toenails, and external ears begin to form. Also, external genitals begin to start, but it is too soon to see them on ultrasound.
Read also: Products to Help In Baby’s Development
Week 11
By this period, the baby performs movements like opening and closing its fists and mouth. During this baby development stage, the baby's knees, elbows, and ankles work, but it is too soon to feel any kicks. In this phase, the bones harden; however, the skin is still see-through.
Week 12
By the end of the last week of the first trimester, the organs, limbs, and muscles are present and will continue to develop to become fully functional. The fetus is drinking and peeing bile juice, and the circulatory, digestive, and urinary systems are working, and the liver produces bile juice.
Cord Blood Banking - A Tiny Step to a Better Tomorrow
We can understand the excitement when a woman completes the third month of fetal development, as per the pregnancy calculator. Crossing this mark provides a great relief to expecting parents, as it reduces the chance of miscarriages to a considerably large extent. However, different anomalies can occur during this month, like cardiac, renal, gastrointestinal, genital and reproductive system, and central nervous system anomalies.
We at Cryoviva help expecting parents carve a safe and secure future for their newborns, as umbilical cord preservation promises to cure over 80 severe diseases and illnesses. Visit our website to learn how our cord blood stem cell collection and storage facilities are an investment of a lifetime for your baby and family.