Cherry Fruit In Pregnancy

Expecting women must eat fresh veggies and fruits during pregnancy. Fruits such as bananas, apples, oranges, cherries, etc., play an important role in maintaining growth and overall baby health. Cherry is a valuable fruit for a healthy pregnancy. Consuming a cherry during pregnancy provides lots of benefits to both the growing fetus and the mother.
Benefits of Cherries in Pregnancy
Cherries are rich in potassium, vitamin C, magnesium and phosphorus, and polyphenols which have antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. Let’s find some of the exciting cherry benefits:
Rich in Antioxidants
Since pregnant women experience oxidative stress, the common antioxidants found in cherries help protect them against stress and mitigate chronic diseases.
2. Immunity Reinforcer
Cherry, loaded with minerals and vitamins, acts as an immunity booster during pregnancy and helps pregnant women fight many deadly infections.
3. Support Heart Health
As expectant mothers are more prone to heart disease, cherry lowers cholesterol levels and reduces the risk of illness. Thus, adding cherries to the diet is a useful pregnancy tip for mothers.
4. Promote Better Sleep
Cherry contains Melatonin compound which is helpful in regulating sleep cycles and improving sleep quality in expecting mothers.
5. Improve Digestion
Cherries are rich in fiber. Therefore, they regulate bowel movements and avoid constipation in expecting mothers.
6. Prevent Dehydration
As cherries are high in water content, thus, these are recognized as a good source of keeping dehydration at bay.
Risks Associated with Eating Cherry During Pregnancy
Cherries are safe to eat in pregnancy, but always in moderate amounts. Here are some risks associated with cherries:
Cherries are known to contain certain proteins which can trigger allergic reactions. Hence, take proper care and avoid eating cherries in excessive amounts.
Cherry contains natural sugar, and excessive consumption of fruits with natural sugar during pregnancy can increase the chances of gestational diabetes.
Safeguard Your Child with Stem Cell Banking
If you are a soon-to-be mom who is worried about their baby’s future health, then invest in stem cell preservation so you can take a sigh of relief. The stem cells collected from the umbilical cord have the potential to cure several, around 80+ life-threatening diseases.
The best time to schedule a stem cell banking appointment is during the onset of the third trimester, as calculated by the pregnancy calculator. Cryoviva, one of the best and most high-tech stem cell banking facilities in India offers cost-effective plans to secure your baby’s future!