Muskmelon And Pregnancy: Everything You Need To Know

Muskmelons, or Kharbuja, are one of the favorite foods of pregnant women for obvious reasons. Eating this amazing fruit during pregnancy is not only refreshing but also provides essential nutrients that help with the constant changes that your body goes through during pregnancy. So, what else goes inside the fruit that makes it a mandate for women to include Kharbuja in their pregnancy diets? Let’s find out.
Benefits of Muskmelon in Pregnancy
Consuming fruits in pregnancy, especially muskmelon, is considered a healthy snack and dessert because it contains low calories and high mineral value. Not only that, but a common pregnancy tip states that eating muskmelon also helps keep blood from clotting and contains antioxidants, which help in fighting against free radicals. Its other benefits include:
Prevents Tube Defects
The baby's neural tube is formed during the first trimester. Eventually, the same tube will become the brain and spinal cord. Muskmelon contains folic acid, also known as Vitamin B9, which helps prevent neural tube defects in the fetus.
Enhances Immunity
The carotenoids in muskmelon are important antioxidants that stop free radicals from being made in the pregnant woman’s body. This helps make new cells and protects the body from harmful infections. It also strengthens the immune system of the expecting mother and the baby. Besides that, muskmelon can assist in the baby's sight development.
Supports Digestion
Heartburn and indigestion are normal problems for women during the second and third trimesters of pregnancy. Muskmelon is one of the best fruits during pregnancy for helping settle the stomach. It also contains vitamin C, which helps the body digest and absorb food and iron..
Avoids Anemia
Anemia can be risky for both a pregnant woman and the baby. However, this condition can be kept in check by eating enough muskmelon. This fruit has a lot of vitamin C and iron, which ultimately aid in filtering out the digestive system.
Helps in Weight Management and Post-Partum Depression
A medium-sized muskmelon contains only 188 grams of calories. This antioxidant-rich fruit will make you feel full without spiking your calorie intake, thus helping in weight management. Due to its rich Vitamin A reservoir, your body will heal faster, helping you recover faster from post-partum depression.
Give Your Baby The Best Protection with Cryoviva
Including muskmelon in your pregnancy diet is one of the best decisions you can ever make. However, once your pregnancy calculator signals you about your baby’s upcoming birth, make yourself known about stem cell banking, where our experts collect the umbilical cord blood, extract stem cells, and store them to enhance their viability.
At Cryoviva, our stem cell preservation service will ensure your child is protected from a range of diseases, including cancer and tumors. So, contact us and take the first step towards your child’s well-being with Cryoviva.