Pregnancy and Dragon Fruit: What You Need to Know?

Consuming dragon fruit is one of the best pregnancy tips that one can receive for the overall well-being of the mom and baby. Dragon fruit has gained a lot of popularity because it is a good source of vitamins C and B complexes, iron, minerals, and dietary fiber.
According to studies, it is regarded as one of the most beneficial fruits during pregnancy because of its antiproliferative and antioxidant qualities. Let's further explore how dragon fruit benefits soon-to-be moms.
Dragon Fruit's Nutritional Value
Including dragon fruit in your pregnancy diet is a great idea and is largely supported by scientific studies. Let’s understand its nutritional values and why it is a highly recommended fruit during pregnancy:
Calcium which is very beneficial to the baby's bone development.
Minerals, such as potassium and iron, which can enhance the immune system of the baby.
High folic acid which is essential for your baby’s growing nervous system.
Lycopene, a special and vital substance that helps prevent cancer and fights a variety of other health problems.
Beta-carotene, fiber, and vitamin C.
Read also: 8 Fruits to Eat During Pregnancy
Dragon Fruit Benefits During Pregnancy
Here are some of the major advantages of including dragon fruit in pregnancy diet:
Rich in Fats:
Although dragon fruit is a low-fat fruit, the essential mono-unsaturated fats that are needed for energy and fetal brain development are available aplenty in it.
Provides Energy-Boosting Carbs:
Its high carbohydrate composition is the best energy source within the body and is very vital for fetal growth. On average, a dragon fruit contains 13.1 grams of carbohydrates per fruit.
Prevents Infection:
Dragon fruit, due to its capacity to regenerate cells, helps close injured areas and prevent infections.
Relieves Constipation:
Constipation is one of the most common discomforts during the first months of pregnancy. Dragon fruit, which is rich in fiber, can relieve discomfort.
Boosts Hemoglobin Levels:
Its iron content helps increase hemoglobin levels, which is one of the critical factors for fighting anemia in pregnant women.
Supports Bone Growth:
By being rich in calcium and phosphorus content, dragon fruit supports the formation of bone in the fetus and the maintenance of the mother's bone health.
Secure Your Future With Cryoviva
Dragon fruit is an amazing addition during pregnancy, with immense benefits. While you are busy calculating your due date with a pregnancy calculator and creating your pregnancy plan, have you ever wondered about securing your baby’s future with stem cell banking?
Talk to our experts at Cryoviva to find out how cord blood banking can safeguard your little one from a multitude of diseases. Contact us and learn more about this life-saving technology today!