What is a Pregnancy Calculator?
The nine-month journey of pregnancy is filled with lots of emotions and perplexing thoughts. During the entire pregnancy journey, you will be concerned about your and your baby’s health. With different trimesters, your body’s and baby’s needs will change, and you need to align your diet to meet your growing needs.
Hence, a week-by-week pregnancy calculator helps you understand the pregnancy journey month-wise so you can make decisions accordingly. It is an easy-to-use calculator that provides information about the expected timeline of pregnancy, crucial stages, and EDD.
Understanding a Pregnancy Calculator
A pregnancy calculator is a kind of calculator used to determine different stages of the pregnancy based on the dates of conception, the date of the last menstrual period, or infertility treatments like IVF. When this information is provided, the calculator will provide you with an approximate estimation of the time your baby might arrive. The interface of the pregnancy calculator is simple as there is a simple format available where you will have to type in the date of your last menstrual period and a number of days between your periods.
Why Choose an Estimated Delivery Date (EDD) Calculator?
The EDD calculator enables you to know the date when you’ll be delivering your baby, hence having a target date to prepare for. Although this is not the actual date of delivery since only a mere 3% of babies are born on this actual date, it serves as a good pointer for scheduling antenatal appointments, annual leave, etc.
Besides, once you get an estimated delivery date, it becomes streamlined to plan your entire pregnancy journey. You can know when your first trimester will end and when the third trimester will begin because that’s when you will have to prepare for lots of things, from buying the baby’s clothes to renovating your house for the baby’s safety.
Another essential thing is that you can keep track of your diet. The dietary requirements will change as you progress through your pregnancy, and according to the baby’s development progress, you can eat fruits, vegetables, and supplements that will ensure healthy development. However, it is best to consult with your doctor about your pregnancy diet.
Know about your Pregnancy with Cryoviva
Pregnancy calculators are some of the most effective tools that any expectant parents would require during pregnancy. They give you an approximate period to monitor the development of the baby for a given one or two weeks. Cryoviva offers leading cord blood banking services. If you are interested in using a pregnancy calculator, then you can use Cryoviva’s pregnancy calculator to calculate estimated date within seconds.